President's Welcome

Dear Members,

Welcome to QUT Golden Key for 2012. My name is Lauren Crome and I am this year's President for the QUT Chapter of the Golden Key International Honour Society - quite a mouthful!

I hope you all had a wonderful break and are feeling rejuvenated, relaxed and ready to launch into another year at QUT. This year is shaping up to be an exciting one for the QUT Golden Key Chapter with many social, professional development and community service events planned to ensure you get the most out of your Golden Key membership.

The Golden Key Executive Committee would like to see a greater awareness amongst QUT students of Golden Key in 2012. We are committed to strengthening the Chapter's relationship with other Golden Key Chapters, to this end one of our goals for 2012 will be the creation of a Queensland alliance for Golden Key. The purpose of the alliance is to build larger networks for all members, with a future vision of holding a joint Queensland New Member reception as well as combined alumni networking events and end of year social. Currently we are working with the other Queensland Chapters and their presidents to achieve this goal.

For more information about our upcoming events make sure you: 
I look forward to meeting you all at some of our events throughout the year.

Lauren Crome

Golden Key QUT Chapter 

Upcoming Social, Academic and Community Service Events for Semester 1 2012

Lazy Lawn Bowls, Gourmet BBQ & Drinks
Sunday 18th March 2012

Enjoy lazy afternoon of barefoot bowls with the QUT Golden Key team.

First of all, welcome back to QUT for another year! It's amazing how quickly the first three weeks of the semester have flown past. As most of you will (hopefully) know, this Saturday is St Patrick's Day, which means, as Golden Key tradition dictates, our annual Lawn Bowls event is just around the corner! And what better way is there to kick off our social escapades for the year than to spend a chilled-out afternoon with some mates having a sneaky bevvy whilst fighting it out geriatric style to see who will be the ultimate lawn bowls champion. It's the perfect way to recover from St Patrick's Day (as it's held the day after) and meet some fun new people from our Golden Key chapter and beyond.

Tickets are limited and you have to pre-purchase them, so hurry! But don't worry if you miss out this time, we have plenty of other fun social events on our 2012 calendar which you can attend! For more information please see our Facebook Event page.

If you are interested in becoming one of our Social Directors for 2012 and helping to organise exciting events like these, send your expression of interest to Kara Butler at and Lauren Crome at 
More information about this role is contained further down this newsletter.

Networking Skills Seminar  
Monday 16 April 2012

Learn how to make the best impression at the Corporate Wine and Cheese Appreciation Evening. 

It is often said that the first five minutes of a job interview are the most crucial. That's one of the reasons why it is important to learn how to make a positive, lasting first impression on the people that will ultimately decide the fate of your career. QUT Golden Key's annual Networking Skills Seminar is free for members so there is no reason why you shouldn't be writing Monday 16th April 6-7pm, OJW Room Gardens Point in your diary right now!  

We are pleased to announce that Alison Thompson will be running the event again this year. Last year Alison covered topics such as branding yourself with your own 15 second commercial, entering and exiting networking situations and using social media. 

The seminar will provide a valuable insight into how to make the most of the Corporate Wine and Cheese Appreciation Evening and we hope to see you there.

Corporate Wine and Cheese Appreciation Evening  
Monday 23 April 2012

Network now to get the graduate role you want.

I hope you know your Cabernet Sauvignon from your Merlo because QUT Golden Key's Corporate Wine and Cheese Appreciation Evening is fast approaching.

If you've ever been to a careers fair you will know how difficult it is to fight your way through the mob of students to get to the graduate recruiter you want to speak to. And then there's that awkward moment when you don't actually know what to say to them. Well not this year! Your Corporate Relations Chairs are currently working hard to bring you numerous graduate recruiters from a wide range of disciplines, as well as an exciting guest speaker. And the best part is that this event is exclusively for QUT Golden Key members. It will be held on Monday 23 April 2012 at the IHBI room, QUT Kelvin Grove Campus.

So if you fancy yourself a cheese aficionado or wine connoisseur, or want to learn how to match a vintage cheese with a full-bodied wine in an informal networking environment, keep an eye on this newsletter as more details will emerge as the day gets closer.

Community Service  
 26 May 2012 to 26 April 2012

Volunteer to help high school students with refugee backgrounds. 

As part of Golden Key's community service work in 2012, we’ll be supporting the Yeronga State High School Tutoring and Homework Club Program. Yeronga State High School has the largest number of refugees than any other school in Queensland.  Many students are in their second phase of acquiring English language skills having received intensive support at Milpara (an English language preparation centre) on arrival.  Nearly all have had disrupted or very little schooling because they come from war-torn countries and often still suffering trauma. This is a really worthy cause to help out those in need of support who have a need, and a great opportunity to include community service and volunteering on your resume.  

Legal requirements are for each volunteer to have a current blue card at the start of volunteering which could be obtained through QUT Gardens Point A Block or directly through the school (it’s free). If you don’t have a blue card yet this program will also be run in second semester, so apply now! (The waiting period for a blue card is 4-8 weeks). 

The volunteering options are:
Study Mate Program - Mon 2:45-4:15pm
The Homework Club - Thurs 2:45-4:15pm
The dates:
Beginning Monday 26 March (week 5) and finishing Thursday 26 April (week 8).

To register your interest please send an email to your Community Service Chairs at and they will send you access to the online roster to register. 

We hope you enjoyed this edition of the newsletter. Scroll down for more stories.

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Committee News- March

Golden Key QUT Chapter 

Meet your 2012 QUT Golden Key Executive Committee!
Lauren Crome: President

Lauren is currently in her fourth year of a Bachelor of Law/Journalism at QUT. In 2011, Lauren was the Community-Service Chairperson for the QUT Golden Key Chapter, and was elected President in 2012. This year Lauren would like to see the QUT Chapter achieve Gold Standing by delivering a variety of high quality social, community and professional development events to all Golden Key members. Increasing awareness amongst QUT students of Golden Key and strengthening the Chapter's strong relationship with other universities and their Golden Key Chapters are also key goals.

Tiffany-Jo Stansfield: Vice President

Tiffany is currently studying a Bachelor of Mechatronics Engineering, due for completion at the end of 2013. She joined Golden Key in Semester 2 2011 and was accepted for the Vice President position for 2012. The opportunity Golden Key presents for her to interact with other faculties was the major appeal, along with the many events they host throughout the year that allow further involvement with the University. 

Maija Bicevskis: Vice President

Georgia Posar: Secretary

Georgia, currently studying her third year of a Bachelor of Design (Interior Design), has only recently joined Golden Key International Honours Society (in late 2011). Appointed as Secretary for 2012, she is excited and privileged to be part of such an enthusiastic committee. Georgia has a strong interest in Design at QUT and is striving for a richer community in the Creative Industries faculty, as well as the university as a whole. Georgia's short term goals include working towards being a great Secretary and lending a helping hand where she can. 

Jodie Lee: Treasurer

Jodie Lee is currently studying a Bachelor of Business. She aims to become a Graduate Accountant (Audit) and obtain her Professional Accounting Qualification (Chartered Accountant). As a General Member during 2011, Jodie volunteered at a number of Golden Key events and, in 2012, was nominated by her peers for the role of Treasurer. Jodie is excited to be part of this wonderful society and is committed to increasing the opportunities that Golden Key provides in relation to the Accounting field. This includes enhancing relationships with other universities and organisations, as well as expanding the society's member base.

Selwyn Rees: Community Services Chair 

Selwyn Rees is currently in his final year of a Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering whilst working full-time for an international Engineering consultancy firm. Not only is he eager to progress his career in the built environment space, he is also seeking ways to both broaden horizons and give back to the community to help the less fortunate. Joining Golden Key in 2011, Selwyn hopes to help out in the capacity of Community Service Chair.  

Paige Craswell: Community Services Chair 

Paige Craswell is currently studying a Bachelor of Nursing and Public Health at QUT with the hope to someday assist the development of orphanages and hospitals in areas of desperate need in third world countries. In 2012 she was appointed, alongside Selwyn Rees, as a Community Service Chairperson and aims to further academic, education and support resources available to students at QUT. Also, along with becoming involved with academia at QUT, Paige aspires to extend Golden Key’s education based community service efforts to include the surrounding communities and schools. 

Luke Bird: Corporate Relations Chair

Luke is in his third year of a Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical) degree at QUT and also holds a Bachelor of Business (International Business). After accepting the invitation to join the Golden Key International Honour Society in 2011 he is currently serving the QUT Chapter in the role of Corporate Chairperson. In this role Luke is working to increase the profile and employment opportunities of QUT students by attracting local and international companies to campus and networking events. He will also be assisting other committee members to realise Golden Key's mission by providing social, community and professional-development events to QUT students. 

Rosie Attwell: Corporate Relations Chair

Rosie Attwell is currently studying a Double Masters of Business, majoring in Advertising and Marketing. Combined with her previous study in Fine Arts, her long-term goal is to become an Art Director, Curator or Arts Administrator. On the Golden Key executive committee, Rosie shares the role of the Corporate Relations Chairperson with Luke Bird. Her aim is to co-host an incredible Corporate Wine and Cheese night for the QUT Golden Key students and Industry Professionals.  

Courtney Mulder: Public Relations Officer

Courtney Mulder is currently in her fourth year of a law/business double degree with a major in public relations. She doesn’t mind where this degree takes her as long as she gets to travel and meet new people. Courtney has been a member of the QUT Golden Key chapter since 2010 and was appointed as Public Relations Officer for 2012. She is looking forward to getting more involved in Golden Key this year and taking advantage of all the amazing community service and academic opportunities the society has to offer, as well as the exciting social events held throughout the year. Courtney is excited to have the opportunity to keep you up-to-date with Golden Keys news through this newsletter and social media.

Kara Butler: Social Director

Kara Butler is in her fifth year of a combined Bachelor of Journalism and Bachelor of Laws. She works full time in a community legal centre and at a commercial law firm. Kara will graduate at the end of this year. Her hobbies outside University include playing hockey and the piano. Having being appointed as Social Director for 2012, Kara hopes to meet lots of new people and and organise events where members can do the same. She wishes everyone well for the year and encourages Golden Key members and their friends to get involved with the society as much as possible.

Position Vacant: Social Director

QUT Golden Key is looking for a highly motivated and social person to take on the role of our second Social Director. Applicants will preferably attend our upcoming Lawn Bowls event and next general meeting held on March 21. Please send expressions of interests to Kara Butler at and Lauren Crome at

Jennifer Stables: Knowledge Manager

Having joined Golden Key at the end of 2010, Jen held the role of secretary in 2011. Identifying the need to collate information from previous years, and the importance of smoother transitions between committees, she suggested that the QUT chapter create a Knowledge Management position. Jen is undertaking this role in 2012 and will be creating transition packs for future committee handovers. Despite having graduated from QUT with an Associate of Fine Arts (Dance), she hopes to enable future committees to continue to achieve Gold standing. Whilst studying for her Bachelor of Biomedical Science at UQ, she also hopes to remain involved in the social aspects of the chapter and has already committed herself to this semester’s community service event. 

Sahail Narayan: Web Engineer

Sahail has just completed a Bachelor of Applied Science and will be continuing onto a Masters of Applied Science. He has been a web engineer since 2010 and is responsible for updating website as well as managing QUT Golden Key's other IT related systems. 

Monique Alvis: Web Engineer

Monique is a third year student at QUT, studying a double degree of Information Technology and Fine Arts (Interactive and Visual Design). Inducted into Golden Key in 2011, Monique hopes to bring her technical and design skills to her 2012 role as Web Engineer. Monique also enjoys photography in her spare time and looks forward to capturing many Golden Key events.

The executive committee will complete the online leadership training program provided by Golden Key International to ensure that they have the skills necessary to coordinate chapter events to the high standard that Golden Key is renowned for. 

Nominate your favourite Academic as an Honourary Golden Key Member
The executive committee would like to invite members to nominate their favourite academic staff member from QUT to become an honorary member of our chapter. Submissions should include 100 – 300 words about how the academic has helped students to 'unlock their potential’ and how they demonstrate the Golden Key pillars of ‘Academics, Leadership and Service’. Please include the academic’s full name, title and faculty and send your nomination to the chapter president, Lauren Crome, at 

Next Meeting
The next general meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday 21 March at 6pm in GP s408, all members are encouraged to come along. 

Golden Key Conferences

Asia-Pacific Conference Review

Throughout the year, Golden Key International holds a number of conferences for its members. One of the members from our QUT Golden Key Executive Committee, Jodie Lee (Treasurer), had the pleasure of attending this year's Asia-Pacific Conference and has written a summary of her adventures in Melbourne.

Paul Wiseman, Ibi Repcik and Jodie Lee

My attendance at the 2012 Asia-Pacific Conference in Melbourne was truly an educational, engaging and entertaining experience. There were Golden Key members not just from all over Australia but all over the world, such as New Zealand and Malaysia. We participated in a welcome to Melbourne BBQ as well as an Amazing race, which was a great way to explore the heart of Melbourne with new found friends. 

All of the keynote speakers were so inspirational and amazing that it's hard to pick a favourite. Tim Flannery gave an interesting, in-depth talk about the forces that have created life, the world that we know today and our society, which led to a very interesting Q&A afterwards that had everyone talking. Kon Karapanagiotidis OAM, the CEO and founder of the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre delivered a captivating talk about the origins of his organisation as well as the qualities inherent in good leadership. Riaan Manser shared his inspirational and death-defying cycling journey around the entire perimeter of Africa and his latest kayaking expedition around Iceland.

On day two there was a Careers Panel with panelists from NAB, Ernst & Young and ASIS to name a few. This was a great opportunity to find out what employers look for when recruiting graduates. 

The professional development workshops I attended were all interesting and engaging. I particularly enjoyed 'critical strategies for pursuing your career', 'how to get your dream career' and 'leadership and innovation in the workplace'.

The Asia-Pacific Conference dinner was an entertaining finale with a fancy dress theme of 'creating tomorrow'. First prize was awarded to a gentleman who had the most outrageous Avatar outfit I have ever seen. The QUT Chapter was presented with Gold Standing and Ibi Repcik was commended for her outstanding service to Golden Key.

Golden Key International Summit 2012: Georgia, USA

If the above sounds like something you would be interested in doing then we strongly urge you to apply to attend the Golden Key International Summit, 26-29 July 2012 at Georgia Tech, USA. The society was actually founded in Atlanta so this would be a great opportunity for members to travel and experience American Culture as well as the origins of the Golden Key International Honour Society. 

Registration opened on March 10 and will close on 10 May, so get cracking!

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Career Opportunities- March

KPMG 2013 Graduate Program  Research and Development Incentives Advisor 

Position Objective

KPMG’s Research and Development (R&D) Incentives group is a national practice comprising individuals with diverse technical backgrounds, experienced in obtaining government funding to assist local, national and multinational clients with the conduct of Australia’s most innovative R&D projects.

In this role you will work primarily with the Federal Governments’ R&D Tax Incentive which is a program designed to boost competitiveness and improve productivity across the Australian economy by encouraging and rewarding R&D activities undertaken by Australian businesses.

This role will kick start your career and expose you to cutting edge technology based concepts, techniques and strategies currently being developed by some of Australia’s leading companies.

Our work is always varied as our client base operates within a diverse range of industries including construction engineering, mining, mechanical engineering, energy & resources, civil engineering, environmental sustainability, automotive, mechatronics, chemical engineering, food technology and many more.

As a Graduate within our team, you will have the freedom to explore and apply the scientific or engineering principles studied as part of your tertiary education to the specific circumstances present within the development projects undertaken by our clients.

The successful applicant will have a fantastic opportunity to develop their career at KPMG and gain significant exposure to our business as well as our clients and their operations.

Full training, support and mentoring will be provided allowing you to succeed as an integral part of our dynamic, industry leading team.

At times, some short-term interstate travel opportunities may arise.

Primary Responsibilities

Your primary day-to-day tasks will include:
  • Assisting with client interviews - To obtain details from technical specialists regarding development projects undertaken by our clients.
  • Information analysis – Reviewing information provided by clients and matching the facts to the eligibility requirements for the R&D Tax Incentive.
  • Documentation and advice – Describing whether or not development projects undertaken by our clients meet the R&D Tax Incentive eligibility requirements.
  • Compilation of R&D expenditure work papers and schedules – Substantiating the nature and quantum of R&D expenditure incurred undertaking eligible R&D Tax Incentive projects.
  • Project and engagement management - Including work planning, scheduling, budgeting, associated analysis and documentation.
  • Teamwork - Working collaboratively with colleagues and clients at all levels to deliver timely, high quality reports and associated professional services.

Technical Skills

The following technical skills are required for the role:
  • Science, Engineering, Information Technology or similar tertiary qualification.
  • Business, Commerce or Law degree desirable, but not essential.
  • Previous customer service focussed work experience is also desirable but not essential.

Personal Attributes 

To succeed in this role you must be able to demonstrate:
  • Exceptional communication skills, including excellent interviewing and report writing skills.
  • An ability to relate well to technical and scientific personnel and understand/explain key concepts.
  • A strong work ethic and attention to detail.
  • A desire to deliver exceptional levels of client service.
  • An open and enquiring mind with a business focus.
  • A passion to apply your skills in a large professional corporate environment.
  • The ability to work within a dynamic team environment.

Please email your resume, cover letter and current academic transcript to:

KPMG will review your application and decide whether your individual skills, experience and qualifications match our requirements.

If you have any queries please contact Lauren Murray on 3233 9448 or visit our website on

KPMG is also recruiting graduates and vacationers across other divisions, including:
  • Audit
  • Corporate Finance
  • Forensic
  • Government Advisory
  • Health and Human Services
  • Information Technology Advisory
  • Internal Audit, Risk and Control Services
  • Private Enterprise (Brisbane and Gold Coast)
  • Tax

Applications for graduate positions have no scheduled close date. However, students should submit applications as early as possible to ensure the best chance of success in our program.

For more information – please check out the website: