Semester 1 Events Review

EPIC End of Semester 1 Party

If you didn’t come to the TGIF (Thank God I’m Free) clubs and societies mixer then you missed out on an EPIC night! I was on the door (that’s me on the right) and it was great to see so many Golden Key members showing up to celebrate the end of a successful Semester 1. Hopefully we’ll see the same astonishing turnout at the end of Semester 2 bash! Stay tuned for those details in an upcoming newsletter/email. Remember, these events are held for our members, so come out and support your Golden Key chapter!

Corporate Wine and Cheese Appreciation Night

With students’ specially matched industry/study discipline colours to correspondingly coloured industry professionals, networking was made so much easier in this event to help secure a dream grad job!

Our annual Corporate networking evening, the “Wine and Cheese Appreciation Night” was held on Monday 23 April at the IBHI Building, Musk Avenue, Kelvin Grove. The invitation was extended to QUT GK members, students from various disciplines and QUT student bodies with approximately 150 people in attendance.

Our special guest speaker was Mr Tom Potter, Founder of Australian-owned Eagle Boys pizza chain. Tom spoke of his passion for working in the food business, loving food just like his father and grandfather.

Our audience was presented with an entertaining video about Eagle Boys. In his address, Tom recounted his early career and entrepreneurial journey in both food and non-food industries. Along the way, Tom spoke of business models, market dynamics and research, the importance of organisational culture, brand positioning, competitive advantage, and customer service, as well as customer relations and one’s own business acumen and skills. Tom also spoke of his current plans in the food industry, as well as business expansion, including the success the famous pink eagle has found in New Zealand. Tom has also studied at Harvard University and been named the Australian Young Business Person of the Year.

Tom was a very entertaining speaker, peppering his speech with funny anecdotes here and there and memorable stories of people he has met along the way, however also speaking seriously of the challenges associated with the food industry and running a business in general. Some of the many memorable tips Tom gave were the need to change with the times and getting comfortable with making changes to your thinking. The need to think like your customers and go out to the front line and see what’s happening was also noted.

Tom brought along books for autographing, as well as giving one away to a lucky member of the audience. Members had a chance to ask some very interesting questions, including how the origin of the Eagle Boys business name came about!

Everyone had the chance to learn from each others’ perspectives, build valuable networks and mingle in a classy venue with the melodies of a live jazz band whilst sampling the carefully matched wine and delectable cheeses.

Many students also attended the Networking Skills Seminar held earlier in the year to learn how to make the most out of the Corporate Wine and Cheese Appreciation Night.

QUT Golden Key would like to thank everyone for attending this event and making it a great success.